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Christ Church, Duns is part of the Berwickshire Episcopal Group of churches together with St. Ebba's, Eyemouth and St. Mary's, Coldstream.

As a group of God's people we seek to work together to grow in the knowledge and love of God through Jesus Christ and to express that love, with the help of the Holy Spirit, through our relationships with one another and our service and witness to our communities.

Revd Chris Jones is Priest-in-Charge for the Group. 


Please click onto the following links to discover more information about the churches in the group:

St Mary & All Souls, Coldstream: http://stmaryscoldstream.org.uk/

St. Ebba's, Eyemouth: https://stebbas.org.uk/


Christ Church Duns Facebook page: www.facebook.com/christchurch.duns/​


Vestries are established at all three churches and are an integral part of their management. Any Vestry is responsible for the running of church affairs. Vestry members are elected from the church membership for a five-year term and are charity trustees. Ideally, members are drawn from a mix of ages and backgrounds and work harmoniously to carry out their responsibilities to the best of their abilities. Vestry assists the Priest-in-Charge and is responsible not only for the spiritual wellbeing of the members of the congregation but also for the fabric and property of the Church and Rectory.

The three Vestries meet together as one larger group two or three times per year. 


Diocese Newsletter The Communicant


To see our latest dioscesan newsletter, The Communicant, click here

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