Diocese of Edinburgh
Our Diocese is one of the seven dioceses of the Scottish Episcopal Church. It covers the eastern side of southern Scotland and stretches from the Firth of Forth to the English border. It includes more than 50 churches with a total membership of 8,500 and a communicant role of 6,000.
The Standing Committee of Diocesan Synod has two main sub-committees, Mission & Ministry and Finance & Management, both of which seek to further God’s mission as set out above. Advice and support is available to charges in all aspects of their developing life. This includes work with young people and children, pastoral care and spiritual direction as well as more practical concerns for buildings and financial management. In 2016 we appointed our first full-time Mission Enabler who helps us to focus on how we share in God’s mission to the world
Scottish Episcopal Church
The form to complete annual statistical returns (for 2018) is to be found here.
Area Councils, Synods and Chapters
The three churches are linked to other churches in the Borders through the Area Council, a body which meets regularly to share matters of common concern. St Ebba is an active participant in the East Berwickshire Churches Together group (including Reston, Ayton, Coldingham, etc) and Coldstream is involved with Coldstream Churches Together. These associations are creating new opportunities for sharing worship, prayer and study. Members of all three churches play a full part in the Diocese of Edinburgh, one of seven dioceses in the Episcopal Church of Scotland, through their membership of the Diocesan Synod within the Scottish Episcopal Church. One lay representative attends Area Council and Diocesan Synod on behalf of Christ Church, Duns. We anticipate that our new Rector will enjoy the fellowship and support of other Episcopal clergy within the Borders Clergy Chapter and would, in due course, be invited to participate in the workings of the Diocese and the Province according to their gifts and interests. Members of all three churches have access to The Berwickshire Association for Voluntary Service (BAVS), an independent organisation established in 1971 to support, advise and provide services to voluntary groups in the local area.